How Long Do I Have to See a Doctor After a Florida Car Accident?

SUMMARY:  Seeking medical treatment after a car accident is crucial for both your health and for legal reasons.  The 14-day rule in Florida requires receiving “initial services and care” within 14 days of a car crash to qualify for PIP benefits.

Under Florida Statute §627.736(1)(a), in order to be eligible for Personal Injury Protection (“PIP”) benefits, a patient is required to receive treatment, medical care, or some type of initial services within 14 days of the accident. 

As one of the few states with a no-fault auto insurance system, Florida law mandates that all motorists have PIP on their car insurance policies.  Under Florida’s PIP insurance coverage, if someone is injured in a car crash, they are entitled to medical benefits to treat injuries resulting from the accident.  Regardless of who is at fault, the PIP coverage could yield up to $10,000 for reasonable medical expenses.

However, if the injured party does not seek care within the 14-day window, they are no longer considered to have an “emergency medical condition” under Florida law.  This means the insurance company providing PIP coverage for the at-fault driver can deny paying for any treatment, testing, or other services sought after the 14-day window.  As such, compliance with the 14-day rule is very important for injured parties to receive fair compensation for medical bills through PIP insurance.

Below is a list of treatment options that will satisfy the 14-day rule:

(1)  EMS treatment at the scene of the accident;

(2)  Transportation by an ambulance type service to a hospital;

(3)  Treatment from any recognizable physician or nurse under the PIP statute; 

(4)  Radiological testing of any sort recognizable under the PIP statute.

(5)  Any other treatment payable under the PIP statute.

I advise my clients to visit a medical professional for an evaluation AS SOON AS POSSIBLE after an accident.  This allows them to have any potential injuries assessed, have diagnostic testing done (for example, an x-ray), and get a treatment plan if necessary.  The insurance company will almost definitely try to use any initial delay in treatment as a reason to not give you the fair compensation you deserve.

If you are concerned about the cost of seeking medical treatment, explore options such as Personal Injury Protection coverage or Medical Payment coverage.  John Kilpatrick Law can help you obtain the relevant documentation needed for a successful PIP or personal injury claim.  CALL US 24/7 FOR A FREE CONSULTATION. 352-634-6923.